Customer-orientation analysis

By reviewing the process and product documentation as well as related interviews, we provide an insight into how customer-focused and efficient the organization is.


In operational processes, customer satisfaction must have a place in the necessary depth from the beginning to the end of the value chain. In reality, however, even a well-functioning, profitable company with an excellent product can lose focus because:

  • not everyone is in direct contact with the customer, so customer satisfaction is only a theoretical policy for them,
  • the goal of production is a good product, not a satisfied customer,
  • organizational and operational processes are met only at the management level.


The written materials and the processes supporting them are the indicators to show the company’s effectiveness.

Why do we believe that? Because the process and product documentation cover the entire value creation chain of the company, yet typically without a specific person in charge nor priority. When we study them as a system, the communications and organizational deficiencies become visible much sooner than by checking the company’s main processes or the activities related to the employees’ main competencies.

We have found that if we review the written materials and the processes supporting their creation, and if we conduct targeted interviews, we can identify the main operational deficiencies in a fraction of the time of a complex company analysis – far beyond the documentation processes alone.

During the analysis, we pay special attention to the mapping of customer orientation – i.e. whether factors important to customer satisfaction are properly present at the main points of the value chain.

Relying on the operational management experience of our consultants, we help identify the points that require change, and then, in cooperation with our customers, we make suggestions for optimizing operations that can be achieved even without organizational transformation.

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